Svatošová attorney Svatošová attorney




The price for the legal services is usually concluded between the attorney and the client in a legal services agreement. The amount of the price is dependent especially on legal and time requirements of the legal services, on urgency and insistency of the provision of the legal services, on a necessity to use a foreign language, on financial possibilities of the client, and, as the case may be, on the long term cooperation with the client.

The price may be concluded to be charged:

  • per hour (which we bill usually by half-hours if the service is less time-demanding),
  • per act,
  • or alternatively as flat-rate price for a certain period of time (this price is usually agreed upon with clients who has a regular need for legal services in certain stable range).

The attorney will propose you how to proceed with your issue most effectively and a suggested amount of the price after introductory consultation of your issue and after first review of related documents.

Initial consultation within the scope of half an hour is free of charge.

You can contact us for a non-binding estimation of the price of your particular issue.

In case that no price is agreed between the attorney and the client, the amount of the price is determined by the Regulation of the Ministry of Justice no. 177/1996 Coll., on fees and remuneration of lawyers for the provision of legal services (the lawyer's tariff), as amended. The lawyer's tariff is available in Czech here and a version effective as of January 1, 2014 (i.e. not absolutely up-to-date) in English here.

Declaration of authenticity of signature is included in the price for the services if it relates to other services provided to the client, otherwise the rate for authentification of one signature is CZK 30.

Provision of an extract from the Central Register of Executions is usually included in the price for the services if it relates to other services provided to the client, otherwise the rate for one search in the Central Register of Executions is CZK 60.

Provision of a copy of an entry in the Cadastre of Real Estate is usually included in the price for the services if it relates to other services provided to the client, otherwise the rate for first page is CZK 100 and for each other page CZK 50.

The authority competent for out of court settlement of consumer disputes between an attorney and a consumer is the Czech Bar Association

Mgr. Zuzana Svatošová, Santražiny 753, Zlín, tel. +420 605 453 545, e-mail:
Copyright © 2015-2016 by Mgr. Zuzana Svatošová, advokátka